On that note, Troy, my amazing husband, who I enjoy spending time with so much and love even more than the day we got married, is such a blessing to me. The thing I love about him most is his genuine love for Christ. Because that love is so real, it resounds in every aspect of his life, especially in how he loves Jackson and I. I thank the Lord for the man He has made Troy! He finds joy in everything, even the simplist of things! I love that! I have immensely enjoyed these last 4 years of marriage and look forward to many more! Happy (late) Anniversary, my Love!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
4 Years of Bliss!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Day @ the Aquirium
Last week, Troy and I took Jackson to the Long Beach Aquarium. June 30th was the last day to get in for $10, which was a stinking-good deal! Jackson absolutely loved and and he still talks about the sharks, fish, octopus, and divers that he saw. He also wants to wear his shark outfit a lot. He wore it to the aquarium, so I guess it is special to him! Jackson also saw "Crush" at the aquarium...or, in other words, a sea turtle.
For lunch, we went to Boston Pizza, which was really good pizza. It was right next to the aquarium and we had noticed the restaurant when we were up in Canada, so we were curious about it. It turns out that the company started in Canada and they have really good pizza! After the aquarium, we walked around a little shopping center and ate frozen yogurt, and then when to Jenni's house to hang out after that! It was a summer day!
Jackson counts the sharks!
Troy feeds a Lorakeet.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Troy @ Home
Troy's last day as a "9-5-er" was June 26th. For some of you who may not have heard, Troy is now a full time Professor of Communications at a Christian college close to us. It is such a blessing that he got this job! He gets to be home with us through August 27th, minus a few days of meetings for the new school year. He has to work on his syllabuses for his classes, but other than that, he is a free man! Starting August 27th, though, he will teach, which is one of the things he loves to do the most. I am so glad that he has been blessed with the opportunity to do that!
Last week was the first week he was at home....and it was so much fun! We spent so much time together! On Monday, we made a day of getting Jackson a hair cut, getting a cold summer drink at Starbucks, and just hanging out. Sometimes you just need time like that, you know? I am going to enjoy, yet cherish, and not take for granted these sweet summer days spent together!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Disneyland Birthday
Happy Birthday, Nolan!
Trader Joe's Speghetti O's
Mud Run
Catching up!
Oh! I have been terrible about updating this blog lately! I have been so busy that the blog has been put on the "back burner," so to speak, and I always seem to forget things on the back burner! Well, not to worry! I just uploaded some *brand new* photos from my camera and am about to display them here! These photos are of Jackson just being silly!
Concerning Jackson, he is 20 months old now. I can hardly believe that he is 4 months away from turning 2 years old. It almost seems absurd the way time has flown by so fast! Jackson's personality is coming out more and more everyday. He is showing himself to be more and more like Troy, and that is a good thing! He is very, very social and loves the world around him. He gets excited over things that may seem ordinary to anyone else, just like Troy. I think that is one of the things I like most about Troy, so to see that trait in Jackson is a joy! Jackson is also recognizing letters and colors now. His favorite letters are "H" and "T". His favorite color seems to be yellow. He also has an obsession with Disney Pixar's Cars and anything and everything having to do with that movie! If you ask him what Lighting McQueen says, he immediately replies, "KA-CHOW!"
Jackson has just become found of Thomas the train. He asks Troy and I to tell stories about Thomas before bedtime and nap time. He loves when we include Jackson and all his friends in the story. His eyes light up when we mention his name. It is sooooo sweet!
Jackson has also started to attend the toddler Sunday school class at our church. The class technically is for 2 and up, but when Jackson turned 18 months, I decided I would sit in there with him. Its worked out pretty well. As long as he sits in my lap, he stays put! He is starting to sit an listen longer. He loves to listen to the Bible stories and color with the other kids. He even has learned the answer to the first Shorter Catechism question, "Who made you?" If you ask him that question, he responds, "God!" On that note, I am pleased that is he learning these things. Troy and I pray everyday for him! So far, Jackson has taken a liking to praying. I think it comforts him. He always prays with us before bed time and always prays with us before meals. If we forget to pray, even if we are half-way through the meal, Jackson will make sure we pray! He holds out his hands and says, "Pray! Pray!" very urgently! It seriously melts my heart. I pray that this interest in listening to God's Word and praying to God continues as he grows!
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