Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mommy FAIL! -Laundry-

I am totally copying this post from My Blessed Life (hope she doesn't mind!), but I love how it brings me to share a bit of "real life" in my home...a bit of honesty. So, I am sharing with you this week my "fail" that has plagued me lately because it has been happening so much...

I washed the same load of laundry three times this week. That's right...THREE TIMES! I always got distracted and with this warmer weather, well, it just went sour. Then, I dried the same load three times as well, because I kept forgetting about it, and my intention was to get out most of the wrinkles before I folded it. Sigh. I'm sure there will be a day when I can do a load of laundry without doing a million other things at the same time (i.e. changing a diaper, refilling a sippy cup, taking a toddler potty, cleaning up a spill, giving a little one a nap...). These things just remind me of my reliance on Christ, even in the little things like helping me remember my laundry. Yes. He cares even about that.*

*To listen to a WONDERFUL sermon that my pastor preached on that subject just this past week, CLICK HERE

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